The first snow this winter
When the clouds lift...
...The magnificent snow-capped mountains appear
That was in the morning of the 27th. In the evening we had a BHS old scholars get-together. Joe Assad and I have been exchanging emails for nearly a year though we’d never met. He was 4 years above me at school, so I didn’t know him from then either. Being the Lebanese Consul to the Philippines he is based in Manila, but was over in Lebanon for a brief visit, and it was a chance to finally meet.
Amer and Mirna had come over from Abu Dhabi for the holidays. Ibrahim was over from Kuwait for the holidays, and Rima brought along Gaby Habib who also was over from Abu Dhabi for a couple of days. Ramez Sawabini was also over from Saudi/Bahrain, so the whole list was as follows:
Joe Assad
Ramez Sawabini
Gaby Habib
Amer and Mirna Kurdi
Ibrahim and Randa Qamar
Christine Sabieh
Rima Maatouk
Hoda Wallace
Mona Shour
Linda and I
Naji Raad and his daughter as well as Faris Araktingi and his girlfriend Michelle were supposed to join us at some stage but unfortunately could not make it.
The gang... L to R: Gaby, Rima, Amer, Mona (hidden), Christine, Randa, Ibrahim, Ramez, Hoda, Linda, Sarmad & Joe
L to R: Ibrahim, Rima, Linda, Ramez, Joe, Gaby (hidden), Amer, Mirna, Christine & Randa.

Amer, Mirna and Mona
L to R: Standing: Ibrahim, Amer, Gaby, Sarmad, Ramez, Christine, Joe
Sitting: Hoda, Randa, Mirna, Mona, Linda, Rima
We had a wonderful time at Kasr Fakhrildinne restaurant in Brummana, followed by a night cap at Ibrahim and Randa’s house.
Night cap at Ibrahim and Randa's
1 comment:
dear sarmadandlinda...THANK YOU so much for an enchanted evening in Brum and food apenty and jokes by the dozen...i never laughed so hard...i loved every minute of it. It was a wonderful group. MAB YINSHABA3 MINKON!
As the eldest BHSer there that night...and as an alumni of 4 different schools...i would like to say that of all the reunions and get tegethers of all the classes ive been to...THIS was the most memorable and certainly the classiest.
I had a great time and am looking forward to seeing you all again soon...and now that we are in e touch...lets stay in touch.
Thank Gore for the internet!
hugs and kisses and fond memories,
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