Saturday, May 19, 2007

BHS Memories from the 70s

Who'd have thought 30 - 40 years ago that your picture would be plastered over something called the Internet in something called a Blog where everyone and anyone anywhere in the world will be able to see it?

Here are some gems that have been sent to us at BHS70s by Frances Hudson. For those of you who don't know Frances, she was in class of '72: idolised by many, revered by most, lots of boys had a crush on her, and many remember her as the pretty girl who wore short skirts!!!

(Click on the pics to enlarge.)

In the picture on the left: Mr. Bruce Howell, Sheila Booth and John Kirkbright.
Middle picture: Mr. Robert Hudson, Mr. Saad Saad, (affectionately known as Saad Square), the school nurse Mary Jordan, and Sheila Booth.
Picture on the left: Toby Jordan with Sarah (Cookie) Hudson.

L to R: Cookie Hudson receiving a certificate from Clare Taylor. Next picture Cookie receiving another certificate from Mrs. Audrey Knight, and picture on the right Nahia Abu Khalil receiving a certificate from Mrs. Pat Hudson. Mr. Emile Sawaya in there too.

I know Frances is in the picture to the left, boy is Tony Guild, the other girl is Myrna or Mona something.
In the picture to the right L to R: Safwan Afifi fiddling with the tree, Raymond Aboud doing some carpentry, guy with the glasses Richard Hudson, guy next to him wearing the stupid hat yours truly, and guy with the hammer Tewfik Al far.

Frances titles this series Azza Shiblaq and friends.

Mr. Barty Knight, school Principal (1968-1975) in the picture on the left. Centre picture clockwise from the left: Kathleen Mackenzie, Zahra Mattar, Nawal Ammar and Julie Drake. Picture in the right Kathleen Mackenzie and Salwa Ammar posing as the studious type!

I have no idea which classes these are. Frances tells me that in the picture on the right Cookie is in there, and she sees a Kanaan, a Kousa, an Aswad, a Sawaya, Farida and she thinks Nancy Nagem is in there somewhere (although her mother and sisters say nay!). The picture in the left features Miss Batrouny. Anyone know anyone in any of these pictures?

On the left with the snorkel Toby Jordan. Anyone know the rest of these guys?

From L to R: Malek Mrowa, Leila Obeid (nee Sawaya) and the unknown German boy

In the picture on the left Frances Hudson and Susan Hall. Frances Hudson playing tennis in the other pictures.

Remember the "fistok Sudani" and how delicious it smelled? Standing in the queue Richard Hudson (at the back) wearing black jumper, next to him Stuart Auckland in the sky blue jumper. I think I see the back of Salem Sousou in the blue jumper, and the guy in the biege jumber is Amir Krayem I think.
Mr. John Banks teaching Physics. In the pictures: Far bench Zahra Mattar on the far right, Abdul Rahman (can't remember his last name), Steven Swinson, Bassam Borno and Samir Dabit. Front bench: Sami Mina and Khalid Hussaini. Thanks Samir for remembering Bassam Borno!

Here are some pictures of the campus as most of us from the 70s remember it. Recognise anyone? Let me know. The guy wearing the bell is me. Frances thinks she sees Bilgassem Soussi and Khalid or Walid Juffali on one of the balconies in one of the Main Teaching Block pictures.

Above in the pool Cookie Hudson on the back of Frances Hudson. Below are pictures of a swimming competition somewhere away from BHS. Anyone remember this occasion and who were the swimmers?

The pictures below are mostly of the fun we had rehearsing and performing Gilbert and Sullivan operas. Those who were involved might remember how much fun those were. We owe a lot to Mr. & Mrs. Barty and Audrey Knight.

There are so many others whose names escape me. Any help from you would be very much appreciated.

In the picture on the left: Susan Webster, Frances Hudson, Nayla Abu Fadel and Henri Chahihian.
In the middle picture: Erica Knight, Frances Hudson and I think Raja Garghour.
in the picture on the right I recognize Rifat Haffar and Mr. Tapolian, do you recognize anyone else?

In the picture on the left I recognize Glory Taweel. Frances Hudson on the left.
In the middle picture: Frances Hudson and Celia Knight. I think I also see Aby Kamal.
In the picture on the right I see three bums!!! Anyone recognize their behinds?!!

On the left: Barty Knight and Rifat Haffar. In the middle: Frances and Thamer. On the right: Me, Frances and Rifat.

Some of those in the pictures below are: Mr. Barty Knight, Thamer Arab, Rifat Haffar, Frances Hudson, Doris Siksek, Randa Siksek, Zora Uzunovska, Mrs. Angela Coleridge, Mr. Peter Coleridge, Mrs. Clare Taylor, Mirna Mathia, Medhat Iskandar, Raymond Aboud, Mr. Sami Saad, Tewfic Al Far, Naji Raad, Kamal (Daniel) Louca, Raya Al Shawi, Randa Sawan, Andoni Hanania, Emily Salama, Susan Webster and her mum Shirley.

Some others I'm not sure of, like Naseem or Sofia Quraishi.

Would very much appreciate help identifying the others.

Icon Frances Hudson in 1969.