At around 10:45 in the evening of Sunday 27th May Linda left home to pick Kina up from her friend Alia’s house in Mrah Ghanem. Just as she got by Issam Faris’ house in Mar Shaya going downhill round a right-hand bend she was met head on by a Suzuki driving up, overtaking a bus on the bend. With no room to manoeuvre, and no time to react, the two cars met in a head-to-head collision.
Luckily Linda was driving at a normal pace going downhill round bends. She suffered a slightly bruised leg which she banged against the steering wheel, slight whiplash when she hit the back of her head against the headrest, and sore arms as she held hard to the steering wheel at the moment of impact. The other guy, who was a young youth, injured his leg.
The car was badly damaged, but repairable.
Anyone wondering where the pictures were taken, that's in Roumieh.

Bless you, Linda. I am so glad you are safe and sound (almost)!
Bobbie, thank you very much for your thoughts. I'm fine, just a little sore. But look at that car! :-(
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